Apache with PHP

Install PHP and Apache:

scoop install php apache

Register the PHP handler with Apache:

iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://gist.githubusercontent.com/nilkesede/c98a275b80b6d373131df82eaba96c63/raw/apache-php-init.ps1')

To start Apache on the command line, run:


Apache will continue running until you press Ctrl-C to terminate it.

If you open http://localhost in your browser, you should see a page saying that It works!.

The document root directory

Scoop configures Apache to serve web pages from the htdocs directory inside the Scoop install directory.

You can get to this directory by running:

pushd "$(scoop which httpd | split-path)\..\htdocs"

If you would like to serve documents from somewhere else, you need to change the DocumentRoot inside the conf/httpd.conf file. You can find httpd.conf at

"$(scoop which httpd | split-path)\..\conf\httpd.conf"

Installing Apache as a service


sudo httpd -k install -n apache
sudo net start apache

If you don't have sudo, you can install it with scoop install sudo.

To uninstall the Apache service

sudo net stop apache
sudo httpd -k uninstall -n apache

For more information, see Using Apache HTTP Server on Windows.

Last Updated: 10/24/2018, 8:37:34 AM